Osteochondrosis dissecans Knee

Osteochondrosis dissecans is a clinical picture described by bone necrosis (lat. : osteonecrosis) at a specific joint surface. In the further course of the disease, osteonecrosis dissecans is accompanied by a splitting off of joint fragments. The detached fragment is also called “joint mouse” or “joint dissatisfaction”. The knee is an extremely predisposed (susceptible) site … Osteochondrosis dissecans Knee

Clinic and diagnostics | Osteochondrosis dissecans Knee

Clinic and diagnostics Typical for osteochondrosis dissecans are the stress-related pains, which increase in strength as the disease progresses and can become so severe that any kind of sports activity is no longer possible. In addition, joint blockages can occur due to the freely moving joint fragments. The knee joint can also be inflamed and … Clinic and diagnostics | Osteochondrosis dissecans Knee