Adhesions: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

An adhesion refers to the growing together of different organs. It is usually caused by major injuries and surgery. The consequences of adhesions can be both harmless and life-threatening (intestinal obstruction). What are adhesions? Adhesions, or adhesions in medical terms, often occur after major surgery in the abdomen. In this case, an adhesion represents the … Adhesions: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hard Stool: Causes, Treatment & Help

Hard stools are common in medicine as a physical complaint. It may be a harmless disorder or a symptom that should be taken seriously. What is hard stool? Hard stools occur when there is indigestion. In most cases, stool moves slowly through the intestines, drawing out a large amount of water. Predominantly, stool (feces) consists … Hard Stool: Causes, Treatment & Help

Thioridazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active substance thioridazine represents a neuroleptic. It can be used to treat schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. What is thioridazine? The active substance thioridazine represents a neuroleptic. It can be used to treat schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. The antipsychotic thioridazine is part of the group of active substances known as neuroleptics. From a … Thioridazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Intestinal obstruction as a complication of other operations | OP of a bowel obstruction

Intestinal obstruction as a complication of other operations About half of all intestinal obstructions are caused by adhesions or clamps. These are proliferating tissues that are formed by the healing process of scars. Especially operations in the abdominal cavity often lead to scarring and the growth of adhesions. When the adhesions form around a section … Intestinal obstruction as a complication of other operations | OP of a bowel obstruction

Duration of the entire healing process | OP of a bowel obstruction

Duration of the entire healing process The duration of the entire healing process is highly dependent on whether the bowel obstruction is mechanical or paralytic and how it is caused. A mechanical bowel obstruction is in most cases treated surgically and is associated with a long inpatient hospital stay. A paralytic ileus must not be … Duration of the entire healing process | OP of a bowel obstruction

These are the signs of intestinal obstruction

Introduction An intestinal obstruction (ileus) is a serious and often life-threatening health disorder caused by an obstruction of the intestinal passage due to an obstruction (mechanical ileus) or by paralysis of the intestinal muscles (paralytic ileus). Which signs occur depends on the cause and on the location (large or small intestine) of the intestinal obstruction. … These are the signs of intestinal obstruction

These are the signs in the baby | These are the signs of intestinal obstruction

These are the signs in the baby In a baby, various signs may indicate that there is a bowel obstruction. Typically, the abdomen is hard and hurts even with slight pressure. In addition, the baby often refuses food and vomits. Because of the severe pain, the baby usually cries out, pulls on his or her … These are the signs in the baby | These are the signs of intestinal obstruction

This is how you can detect an intestinal obstruction

Introduction An acute intestinal obstruction is an emergency situation. The intestinal obstruction is often accompanied by severe abdominal cramps and vomiting. Those affected have no bowel movement or very thin bowel movements. In many cases an intestinal disease is already known beforehand. These include tumour diseases, chronic inflammatory diseases and genetic diseases. A diagnosis is … This is how you can detect an intestinal obstruction