Breast Milk: Nutrients, Defense Cells, Formation

How is breast milk produced? The production and release (secretion) of breast milk is called lactation. This task is performed by the mammary glands. The hormones estrogen, progesterone, human placental lactogen (HPL) and prolactin prepare the breast for breastfeeding already during pregnancy. However, milk production does not kick in until after birth, when the shedding … Breast Milk: Nutrients, Defense Cells, Formation

Breastfeeding: Importance

Breast milk is the best, the most practical and the cheapest food for the newborn. Breastfeeding should therefore actually be a matter of course for mothers. But it isn’t, as a look at current statistics shows.True, in Germany more than 90 percent of babies delivered in hospitals are placed at the mother’s breast. But by … Breastfeeding: Importance

Breastfeeding: Importance for Mother and Child

Breastfeeding of the infant by the mother enjoys (again) increasing popularity. This is not surprising, as it offers numerous benefits for both mother and child. Advantages for the mother The reduction of body weight to the initial weight is achieved most gently due to the high additional energy consumption during milk production. Nevertheless, the breastfeeding … Breastfeeding: Importance for Mother and Child

Advantages and disadvantages of milk powder | The right nutrition for your baby

Advantages and disadvantages of milk powder The disadvantages of milk powder, in contrast to breast milk, are that the powder does not contain any substances that individually promote the immune system of the child and even take over at the beginning. Some bottle feeds only contain some enzymes that play a role in the immune … Advantages and disadvantages of milk powder | The right nutrition for your baby

Skin rash from milk

Skin reactions occur in 50-70% of cases as part of a milk allergy. They can manifest themselves in the form of a worsening of a pre-existing neurodermatitis, but also as skin rashes and eczema or general itching. These symptoms are particularly typical in babies and small children and are more pronounced in them than in … Skin rash from milk

How long does a skin rash caused by milk last? | Skin rash from milk

How long does a skin rash caused by milk last? The allergy usually occurs in children and can subside by itself within a few months. The allergy can still heal spontaneously until the 2nd year of life. Depending on whether it is an early or late reaction, the rash can appear within 2 hours after … How long does a skin rash caused by milk last? | Skin rash from milk