Leishmaniasis: Prevention

Prevention of leishmaniasis requires attention to reducing individual risk factors.

Behavioral risk factors

  • Inadequate protection from crepuscular and nocturnal phlebotomes (sand or butterfly mosquitoes) that stay close to the ground. Mosquito nets are only useful if the mesh size does not exceed 1.2 mm. Note: Unlike many other species of mosquitoes, the flight of sandflies is completely silent; furthermore, you are almost invisible on human skin.

Other risk factors

  • Airport leishmaniasis – infection on the plane or at the airport by imported mosquitoes.
  • Baggage leishmaniasis – infection by mosquitoes from airline luggage.
  • Very rarely, transmission can occur through organ or blood donations.
  • Diaplacental (“via the placenta“) infection from mother to unborn child is possible.

Preventive measures (protective measures)

The following measures should be implemented for individual prophylaxis:

  • Detailed medical consultation before travel.
  • Wearing long clothing
  • Rubbing with insect repellents (insect repellents). These should contain the active ingredients DEET (diethyltoluamide) or icaridin (repellent; scaring away).
  • Room repellents