Swollen forehead

Definition The forehead, which starts above the eyes and is bordered by the hairline, can be swollen for various reasons. Since swelling of the forehead cannot be attributed to a specific cause, there is no uniform definition. In principle, swelling is an increase in volume of the tissue on the forehead, which is caused by … Swollen forehead

Therapy | Swollen forehead

Therapy The treatment of swelling of the forehead is highly dependent on the underlying disease. An overview is intended to summarize the most important therapies for a swollen forehead in brief: 1. Swollen forehead with an allergy: An allergic reaction is treated with various active ingredients such as antihistamines, cortisone preparations or cromoglicic acid.Cooling compresses … Therapy | Swollen forehead

Diagnosis | Swollen forehead

Diagnosis A swelling on the forehead can be diagnosed by various doctors, for example the family doctor, dermatologist or pediatrician. The most important thing for finding the cause of the swelling is the patient interview (anamnesis). This provides important information that can explain the origin of the swelling. This information includes known or possible allergies, … Diagnosis | Swollen forehead

Therapy | Bump on the head

Therapy The treatment of a bump on the head depends on the cause. Since most bumps are caused by an injury to the head, for example in the course of a fall, the therapy consists of physical rest and occasional cooling of the bump. Lying flat should be avoided so that the swelling can be … Therapy | Bump on the head

Bump on the head

Introduction A bump on the head is colloquially defined as any form of swelling that is palpable or even visible with or without a recognisable cause. Often it is an increased accumulation of fluid in the tissue, which can easily occur due to the only thin padding of the skull bone as a result of … Bump on the head

This is the therapy for a bump behind the ear | Bump behind the ear – What to do?

This is the therapy for a bump behind the ear Treatment for a bump behind the ear depends on the trigger responsible for the swelling. Since in most cases it is an accompanying reaction of the lymph nodes, the therapy depends on the causative inflammation. In the case of a cold or other virus-induced diseases … This is the therapy for a bump behind the ear | Bump behind the ear – What to do?

The diagnosis of a bump behind the ear | Bump behind the ear – What to do?

The diagnosis of a bump behind the ear For the diagnosis of a bump behind the ear, the medical consultation as well as the targeted physical examination are decisive. The doctor will first ask questions such as how long the bump has existed, whether it causes pain and whether there are other complaints. Questions about … The diagnosis of a bump behind the ear | Bump behind the ear – What to do?

Bump on the elbow

Definition A bump on the elbow is any form of bulge on the joint that connects the forearm and upper arm. In most cases it is an accumulation of fluid, which in turn can have various causes. As a rule, bumps on the elbow are harmless and go away without special treatment. Longer existing bumps … Bump on the elbow