Leeks: Intolerance & Allergy

Leeks, which are also popularly known as leeks or broad leeks, are a popular vegetable. This belongs to the amaryllis family and grows up to 80 centimeters high. Leeks have many uses in the kitchen; together with carrots and celery, for example, it forms the so popular soup green. What you should know about leeks … Leeks: Intolerance & Allergy

Chanterelles: Intolerance & Allergy

Chanterelles have several names. In Bavaria they are called Reherl, in Austria Eierschwammerl. Chanterelles belong to the non-leaf fungi family. They have a strong orange color and a spicy taste. The chanterelle cannot be cultivated and grows preferentially in spruce and copper beech trees. This is what you should know about chanterelles Chanterelles are considered … Chanterelles: Intolerance & Allergy