Duration of the allergic reaction | Allergy through amoxicillin

Duration of the allergic reaction The duration of the allergic reaction against the active substance amoxicillin depends on its severity, on the patient himself and on how quickly the drug causing the allergic reaction is removed from the body or no longer supplied to it. Smaller skin rashes, which were also noticed early, often disappear … Duration of the allergic reaction | Allergy through amoxicillin


Ceftriaxone Introduction Rocephin® is the trade name for a drug containing the active ingredient ceftriaxone, which is an antibiotic. Antibiotics can be divided into different groups, whereby ceftriaxone belongs to the group of cephalosporins and is counted in the 3rd generation. Antibiotics are generally used to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, i.e. they … Rocephin®

Dosage | Rocephin®

Dosage Adults and adolescents 12 years of age and older can receive 1-2 grams of Ceftriaxone once daily. The maximum dose is 4 grams. Ceftriaxone, which is in powder form, is mixed with non-calcium infusion solution to dilute the solution and infused through the vein for about 30 minutes. The exact dose depends on the … Dosage | Rocephin®

Costs | Rocephin®

Costs An ampoule containing 2 grams of Rocephin® as powder for the preparation of an infusion solution costs 54.53 euros. All articles in this series: Rocephin® Dosage Costs

Cholangitis (Inflammation of the Bile Duct): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cholangitis or bile duct inflammation is an infection of the bile duct. Typically, affected individuals suffer from fever, upper abdominal pain, and jaundice. Treatment usually involves the administration of antibiotics. What is cholangitis? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of the gallbladder with gallstones. Click to enlarge. Cholangitis is an inflammation of the bile … Cholangitis (Inflammation of the Bile Duct): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cefamandol: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active substance Cefamandol is an antibiotic that belongs to the pharmaceutical category of cephalosporins. In this context, the drug cefamandole belongs to the second-generation cephalosporins. The drug is primarily characterized by its bactericidal properties. This means that it kills bacteria. What is cefamandol? The drug cefamandole is used in the vast majority of cases … Cefamandol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Beta-lactam antibiotics

General information The largest group of antibiotics are the so-called beta-lactam antibiotics. These include the probably best known antibiotic penicillin as well as the group of cephalosporins (e.g. cefuroxime) and carbapenems (e.g. imipenem). Effect All beta-lactam antibiotics have a germicidal effect on especially fast-growing bacteria. They are mainly given in cases of coccal infestation (pneumococcus … Beta-lactam antibiotics

Which antibiotics are contraindicated in pregnancy? | Antibiotics during pregnancy

Which antibiotics are contraindicated in pregnancy? When drugs endanger organ development and thus the entire development of the embryo, they are called teratogenic substances. Possibly teratogenic is the antibiotic cotrimoxazole. Fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines such as doxycycline, aminoglycosides, vancomycin, carbapenems and metronidazole are definitely contraindicated. These antibiotics should never be taken during pregnancy or while breast-feeding as … Which antibiotics are contraindicated in pregnancy? | Antibiotics during pregnancy

Antibiotics for angina in pregnancy | Antibiotics during pregnancy

Antibiotics for angina in pregnancy Angina or angina tonsillaris is an inflammation of the palatal tonsils. It is often confused with a normal cold, as the symptoms of both diseases are very similar. Thus, angina often heals without major therapeutic measures. This is called spontaneous healing. If it is a more persistent sore throat, however, … Antibiotics for angina in pregnancy | Antibiotics during pregnancy

Antibiotics in the lactation period

Introduction Many mothers take medication during the breastfeeding period. These are often also antibiotics. With such an application, precise considerations must be made. Medications can be excreted in breast milk and thus be absorbed by the baby. This problem can get worse if the baby’s liver is not yet fully functioning in its detoxification function. … Antibiotics in the lactation period