This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Introduction Cirrhosis of the liver is a chronic and irreversible damage to liver tissue. It is a complex clinical picture that can be accompanied by various secondary diseases and life-threatening complications. Cirrhosis of the liver is typically caused by chronic diseases such as hepatitis, fatty liver or other changes in liver tissue. The disease can … This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Typical symptoms of the final stage | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Typical symptoms of the final stage Cirrhosis of the liver is a complex disease that affects various organ systems in its course and can cause symptoms in all parts of the body. Typical abnormalities of liver cirrhosis include Fatigue, performance slump, susceptibility to infections, feeling ill Feeling of pressure and fullness in the upper abdomen, … Typical symptoms of the final stage | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Liver Transplantation | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

Liver Transplantation Since liver cirrhosis is a permanent and life-threatening disease, liver transplantation is the only therapeutic option for cirrhosis and restoration of liver function. Liver transplantation is a rare and high-risk surgical procedure in which a complete or partial liver or part of a liver is transplanted from a deceased or living donor. Since … Liver Transplantation | This is what cirrhosis of the liver looks like in the final stage

What is the life expectancy in cirrhosis of the liver?

Introduction Cirrhosis of the liver is a life-threatening permanent disease of the liver, which can be triggered by various underlying chronic diseases. The most important causes of liver cirrhosis are alcoholic or non-alcoholic fatty liver, as well as liver inflammation such as viral hepatitis. As a result of chronic inflammatory processes, the liver tissue transforms … What is the life expectancy in cirrhosis of the liver?

What is the life expectancy in decompensated liver cirrhosis? | What is the life expectancy in cirrhosis of the liver?

What is the life expectancy in decompensated liver cirrhosis? Even advanced cirrhosis of the liver can often be asymptomatic, as the healthy parts of the liver can sufficiently compensate for the missing functions. Only when a large part of the liver tissue has been destroyed by the liver cirrhosis, so-called “decompensations” occur, which can manifest … What is the life expectancy in decompensated liver cirrhosis? | What is the life expectancy in cirrhosis of the liver?