The best tips to cure a hangover

What helps against a hangover?

A glass of sparkling wine to toast, red wine with a meal and then later a cocktail at the bar – this can have consequences. Anyone who drinks a lot of alcohol in a short space of time is not only drunk quickly, but often has to deal with unpleasant symptoms such as tiredness, gastrointestinal complaints, headaches and dehydration the morning after. They can be summarized under the term hangover.

Those affected then ask themselves: what to do about hangover symptoms? We have summarized the best remedies.

Drink enough fluids

The acute consequences of excessive alcohol consumption are due to dehydration, i.e. a lack of water. Alcohol deprives the body of water and important nutrients. This also reduces the blood supply to the brain. To counteract this dehydration, one thing helps above all: drink plenty of water.

What to eat with a hangover?

Breakfast is important to compensate for the lack of minerals. But: A rollmop, a burger and pizza or pasta and bread are often recommended as home remedies. There is no scientific evidence as to whether any of these options directly combat hangovers. What is important is that you supply your body with important nutrients such as magnesium or B vitamins.

What helps against nausea with a hangover?

In this case, it is best to drink still water. Unsweetened tea is also a good alternative. Chamomile tea, for example, soothes the stomach.

If you have a sensitive stomach, a vegetable or chicken broth will help.

Does magnesium help against hangovers?

The mineral regulates the potassium content of the cells. If this is impaired by excessive alcohol consumption, it makes sense to take magnesium. Foods such as wheat bran, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are particularly rich in magnesium.

Get the circulation going

Dizziness and circulatory problems are also typical side effects of a hangover. In these cases, a cold shower, a walk in the fresh air or a coffee can help. The hangover itself will not disappear. But they will get your circulation going, which will at least alleviate some of the symptoms.

Are painkillers useful for a hangover?

Only take painkillers for typical hangover symptoms such as headaches in exceptional cases. The reason: some medications can have dangerous interactions when combined with alcohol. This applies to paracetamol, for example. The drug and alcohol are broken down by the same enzyme in the liver. The double burden slows down detoxification and harmful breakdown products can be produced.

Electrolytes against hangover symptoms

Electrolyte solutions have recently experienced a particular hype as an anti-hangover remedy. These are glucose-electrolyte mixtures in powder form that you stir into a glass of water.

They contain dextrose sodium chloride, sodium citrate and potassium chloride and were originally intended as a remedy for severe diarrhea. As with excessive alcohol consumption, the body loses a lot of water and minerals.

It therefore stands to reason that electrolyte solutions can help as a remedy for hangovers if you drink them after drinking alcohol. But be careful: the body does not break down alcohol any faster.

Another problem: the positive effect of electrolyte solutions on hangover symptoms became known through social media. A huge demand has arisen – as a result, electrolyte solutions are often sold out in pharmacies and are no longer in stock for people for whom they were originally intended.

As a general rule, you should therefore not take medication lightly and it is better to fall back on common household remedies for hangovers or even better: only drink in moderation.

Does the so-called counter beer help against a hangover?

Scientists also agree that the counter beer further dehydrates the body and exacerbates the symptoms.

How to prevent a hangover!

The best strategy is to take precautions in the evening. How can you prevent a hangover? Pay attention to the following points.

Create a basis

A filling meal is important before partying. When drinking on an empty stomach, alcohol enters the bloodstream more quickly and has a corresponding effect. What you eat is not important. It is not important to eat particularly high-fat food – that is a myth.

Also make sure you have a small snack while you are drinking.

Hangover: alcohol quality is crucial

Drinking to excess is often thought to be the cause of a particularly pronounced hangover. This is not true. Mixing different types of alcohol does not exacerbate the symptoms.

Rather, the quality of the alcohol plays a role: cheap spirits often contain methanol and fusel alcohols, which are produced by an inferior distillation technique and are more likely to lead to hangover symptoms. Red wine and whiskey in particular have a high concentration of these accompanying substances.

Important to know: Warm, carbonated and sugary alcohol enters the bloodstream more quickly and has worse consequences.

Drink water in between

What is a hangover and how long does it last?

A hangover is a combination of various symptoms that occur as a result of excessive alcohol consumption. Typical symptoms are

  • great thirst
  • tiredness
  • headache
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea
  • difficulty concentrating
  • Sensitivity to light and noise
  • profuse sweating
  • Irritability and even depressive moods
  • increased pulse rate

A hangover occurs around six to eight hours after drinking alcohol, usually the morning after, and can last up to three days. It occurs as a result of dehydration and toxic breakdown products. The body then lacks water and minerals.