Oligohydramnios Sequence: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Oligohydramnios sequence represents the description of the effects of insufficient amniotic fluid production. These are severe malformations that develop due to low amniotic fluid volumes during embryogenesis. The condition is fatal. What is an oligohydramnios sequence? Oligohydramnios sequence refers to the effects of insufficient amniotic fluid production during pregnancy. Due to constricted space because of … Oligohydramnios Sequence: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kampomele Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kampomele dysplasia is a mutation-related malformation syndrome. Skeletal dysplasias, short stature, and respiratory hypoplasia characterize the picture. Approximately ten percent of patients survive the first few weeks of life and receive symptomatic oeprative treatment to correct their malformations. What is campomelic dysplasia? Malformation syndromes are congenital combinations of malformations of different tissues and organs. Often, … Kampomele Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

FG Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

FG syndrome is an X-linked abnormality. Affected individuals suffer from defective vitamin D receptors and, as a result, multifaceted symptoms such as developmental delay, muscle weakness, strabismus, and sensorineural hearing loss. Treatment is symptomatic. What is FG syndrome? Chromosomal aberrations are also called chromosomal abnormalities. They are structural or numerical changes in chromosomes in an … FG Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Holoprosencephaly: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Holoprosencephaly is a malformation of the human brain that occurs with relatively high frequency. A large proportion of affected embryos die in the womb. Therefore, only a few patients with holoprosencephaly are born alive. Holoprosencephaly forms prenatally and primarily affects the face and the frontal area of the brain. What is holoprosencephaly? Holoprosencephaly is relatively … Holoprosencephaly: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

C Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

C syndrome is a rare MCA/MR syndrome and is consequently associated with congenital multiple malformations as well as decreased intelligence. The exact causes of the syndrome are not fully understood, as only 40 cases have been described to date. Treatment is exclusively symptomatic, with parents usually assisted by a psychologist. What is C syndrome? Syndromes … C Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Chromosome mutation

Definition – What is meant by a chromosomal mutation? The human genome, i.e. the totality of genes, is divided into chromosomes. Chromosomes are very long DNA chains that can be distinguished from each other in the metaphase of cell division. The genes are arranged on the chromosomes in a fixed order. In the case of … Chromosome mutation

What is a chromosomal aberration? | Chromosome mutation

What is a chromosomal aberration? Chromosomal aberration is a change in the chromosomes that is visible under the light microscope. In contrast, there are gene mutations, these changes are much smaller and can only be detected by more precise genetic diagnostics. Chromosomal aberrations can be divided into two forms. There are structural and numerical aberrations. … What is a chromosomal aberration? | Chromosome mutation

Chromosomal aberration – What is meant by this?

Introduction – What is a chromosomal aberration? A chromosomal aberration describes a deviation from the normal human chromosome configuration. A normal human chromosome set has 23 chromosome pairs of the same kind, which contain the entire genetic material. A chromosomal aberration can be both a numerical and a structural deviation of the chromosome set. Chromosomal … Chromosomal aberration – What is meant by this?

Causes of chromosomal aberration | Chromosomal aberration – What is meant by this?

Causes of chromosomal aberration There are different causes for the numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations. The numerical chromosomal aberration has a different number of chromosomes, but the chromosomes themselves look normal. In aneuploidy, single chromosomes are duplicated or missing, as in trisomy 21, for example, the most common cause is non-disjunction of chromosomes during meiosis. … Causes of chromosomal aberration | Chromosomal aberration – What is meant by this?

CLINICAL: Which diseases are caused by chromosomal aberration? | Chromosomal aberration – What is meant by this?

CLINICAL: Which diseases are caused by chromosomal aberration? Chromosomal aberrations are responsible for a large number of spontaneous abortions before birth and for many diseases. Of all of these, five diseases in particular are widespread. The best known of these is trisomy 21, better known as Down’s syndrome. These children are conspicuous for their short … CLINICAL: Which diseases are caused by chromosomal aberration? | Chromosomal aberration – What is meant by this?

Trevors Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Trevor’s disease is a rare hereditary disorder that manifests itself in disorders of the ossification processes. Affected individuals suffer from overgrowth of cartilage systems affecting one or more bones, usually in the lower extremities. What is Trevor’s disease? Bone tissue forms during the process of ossification. Ossification occurs both for bone growth and for bone … Trevors Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment