Classification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Classification of perception corresponds to categorization, which helps interpret what is perceived. All human cognitive categories together form the mental representation of the world. Misclassifications of perception occur in the context of delusions. What is classification? Classification is a part of cognitive perceptual processing and is often associated with the expression of categorical perception. Classification … Classification: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Organization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Organization is the substep of perception that structures sensory impressions and generates first sense. The organization is preceded by the primary sensory impression (the sensation), with the classification of the perception taking place afterwards. In neglect, the organization of stimuli on one side of the body is disturbed. What is the organization? Organization is the … Organization: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Stages of hip arthrosis

Hip Pain If you are looking for the cause of your hip pain or you do not know exactly what is causing your hip pain, let us guide you through our hip pain diagnostics and arrive at the most likely diagnosis. Hip arthrosis (synonyms: hip joint arthrosis, coxarthrosis) is a degenerative disease of the hip … Stages of hip arthrosis