Remedy for male rhinitis? | Male cold – is it dangerous?

Remedy for male rhinitis?

The above mentioned therapy should apply to both men and women. In addition, every person needs affection and care.A sneering contemptuous making of oneself-funny, which implies the word of the Männerschnupfen, is little helpful and does not contribute to the recovery. Every man wants to feel taken seriously and not be questioned in his illness and in his feeling of potential pain.

Duration of colds

The duration of a common cold should not exceed about one week. If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time and there is a threat of infection of colleagues at work, the family doctor should be consulted, who can help with a sick note. Physical rest and protection can be good limits for the cold.

A conscientious recovery prevents new infections due to a re-strengthening of the immune system. Thus a man’s cold does not last longer than a woman’s cold.