
Structure and properties Cocaethylene (C18H23NO4, Mr = 317.4 g/mol) is a derivative of cocaine. Unlike cocaine, it contains an ethyl ester rather than a methyl ester. Formation Cocaethylene is formed when cocaine and ethanol are consumed simultaneously in the liver by a process called transesterification. The reaction occurs during catalysis by carboxylesterase 1 (hCE1). This … Cocaethylene


Products Alcohol is contained in numerous intoxicating and stimulant products, such as wines, sparkling wines, beers and high-proof spirits. Per capita consumption in many countries averages about 8 liters of pure alcohol per year. Ethanol is also available as an open product in various qualities in pharmacies and drugstores (e.g. ethanol 70% with camphor, ethanol … Ethanol