Physiotherapy for headachesMigraine of small children

Headaches in children and infants are becoming more and more common. There are various causes for the pain. Headaches occur as accompanying symptoms in many diseases such as colds or flu.

Increasingly, however, headaches in children also occur as an independent clinical picture. There are many causes: Even if posture-related tension headaches are very common, psychological causes should not be excluded and clarified. Mental stress can also have a negative effect on the child’s posture and be responsible for tension in the shoulder and neck area, which in turn can lead to headaches.

  • Mental stress in everyday life
  • Noise
  • Air pollution
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Food intolerances
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Unfavorable posture can cause headaches in childhood


In physiotherapy for headaches in children, a basic diagnosis should first be made to identify the cause of the headache. An unfavorable posture, e.g. long periods of sitting (at school, at the PC), rapid growth, or even mental stress can cause tension in the shoulder-neck area, which can be responsible for headaches. Acute detonating massages or gentle fascial treatment can be considered here.

In some cases, growth can also lead to slight dysfunctions in the joints of the cervical spine or temporomandibular joints, which can then be relieved by gentle manual therapeutic treatment. Here a specialist for the treatment of children should be consulted. It is particularly important to continue to ensure a physiological posture.

For this purpose, the erected es musculature should be trained as part of the physiotherapy for headaches in small children and the child should learn an awareness of its posture in everyday life. Through playful training with therapy spinning tops, balls and therapy bands, the back muscles can be strengthened so that the child’s posture improves in the long term. Group gymnastics can also be considered.

Here, children and/or toddlers can strengthen their muscles, improve their mobility and thus strengthen their posture in the long term. For children who are under psychological pressure, relaxation therapy can also be considered in physiotherapy. In the individual therapy or after a group therapy, the infants and children can learn to relax consciously through imaginative dream journeys. The ability to listen to oneself can be improved so that the child can make use of relaxation techniques in everyday life and thus counteract headaches. These articles cover similar topics:

  • Physiotherapy for migraine
  • Posture school
  • Exercises with the Theraband
  • Mobilization training spine