Chances of cure for ulcerative colitis | Ulcerative colitis

Chances of cure for ulcerative colitis The drugs used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis can only treat the symptoms of the disease and reduce the frequency and severity of acute attacks, but they cannot cure the disease. This disease can only be cured by a complete removal of the colon. However, this step should … Chances of cure for ulcerative colitis | Ulcerative colitis

Smoking in ulcerative colitis | Ulcerative colitis

Smoking in ulcerative colitis A much discussed issue in ulcerative colitis is smoking. In conclusion, it is not yet possible to say anything about the effect of smoking on Ulcerative colitis. While it is now known with certainty that smoking is a serious risk factor for the development of Crohn’s disease, another similar chronic inflammatory … Smoking in ulcerative colitis | Ulcerative colitis

Valerian: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Valerian is a rather inconspicuous plant known for many centuries, which was known as a medicinal plant in ancient times due to its significant medicinal properties. Occurrence and cultivation of valerian Valerian is a rather inconspicuous plant known for many centuries, which due to its significant medicinal efficacy was already known as a medicinal plant … Valerian: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Therapy | Colitis

Therapy The treatment of mild, self-limiting, acute inflammation of the large intestine consists merely of a sufficient supply of fluids and electrolytes (salty liquids, fruit, carbohydrates, drinking water) and, if necessary, the administration of medication against diarrhoea (antidiarrhoeal agent: loperamide). In severe cases with signs of dehydration, a hospital stay with administration of liquid (glucose-salt … Therapy | Colitis

Prognosis | Colitis

Prognosis Acute inflammation of the colon usually progresses quickly and without complications. Patients with Crohn’s disease have a high recurrence rate (frequently recurring symptoms after symptom-free phases) and a 70% probability of needing surgery within 15 years due to complications.A definitive cure through surgery is not possible in Crohn’s disease. However, the situation is different … Prognosis | Colitis


The intestine, divided into the small and large intestine, plays an essential role in the digestive system with its functions of mixing food, transporting food, splitting and absorbing food components and regulating the fluid balance. In particular, the large intestine takes over the task of thickening (by dehydration) and storage of the intestinal contents as … Colitis