Side effects of hard contact lenses | Side effects of contact lenses

Side effects of hard contact lenses Generally speaking, hard contact lenses have fewer side effects than soft contact lenses. However, this is also strongly reflected in the price. Hard contact lenses are both firmer and smaller and, due to the constant development of materials, are in no way inferior to soft contact lenses in terms … Side effects of hard contact lenses | Side effects of contact lenses

Side effects of the pill on contact lenses | Side effects of contact lenses

Side effects of the pill on contact lenses A common problem in women taking the hormonal contraceptive pill is visual changes and discomfort. The additional hormones can cause small differences and fluctuations in the body’s fluid balance, which in turn affects the tolerance of contact lenses. The cornea swells and changes its shape slightly. As … Side effects of the pill on contact lenses | Side effects of contact lenses