Travel Precaution Africa

Anyone traveling to Africa from Central Europe must always be aware that the hygiene situation in the destination country can never be compared to ours! Even in hospitals and with doctors, the same standard as in Central Europe is not to be expected. Take precautions Tap water is not drinking water. Boiling and/or filtering is … Travel Precaution Africa

Duration | Contact allergy

Duration A contact allergy usually subsides within several days if the triggering allergen is avoided. The healing process is accelerated by consistent medical treatment with cortisone ointments and moist compresses. However, if the allergen is not avoided, contact allergies can lead to persistent eczema, which can last for weeks or even months. A contact allergy … Duration | Contact allergy

Allergy types | Contact allergy

Allergy types Nettles lead to itchy wheals on contact with the skin, which are often misinterpreted as an allergy. This is not an allergy, but a kind of toxic reaction of the skin to the stinging hairs of stinging nettles. However, the stinging nettle can also lead to allergies caused by its pollen. As an … Allergy types | Contact allergy

Contact allergy

Definition A contact allergy is an allergy of the so-called late type. Here, after a previous asymptomatic contact with the substance that triggers the allergy, repeated contact causes a symptomatic reaction. There are both genetic and non-genetic factors that favour the occurrence of a contact allergy. The most common contact allergens are nickel and cosmetics. … Contact allergy

Diagnosis | Contact allergy

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a contact allergy includes various common tests of allergy diagnostics. The most important test for the diagnosis of a late type contact allergy is the epicutaneous test. In this test, potential allergens are incorporated in vaseline in a very high dilution and applied to the back of the affected person. The … Diagnosis | Contact allergy

How contagious is scabies?

Introduction Scabies (medical scabies) is a contagious skin disease with severe itching. It is caused by a special type of mite and its excrements. Despite the unpleasant symptoms, the disease usually does not pose a health hazard. For treatment, effective drugs for application on the skin are available as creams, sprays or ointments as well … How contagious is scabies?