Femoral neck

Introduction The thigh bone (also: femur) is the longest bone in the human body and provides a connection between the pelvis and the lower leg bone. It is connected to the other bones by the hip or knee joint. At the end of the hip, the thigh bone has a spherical shape, which is why … Femoral neck

Femoral neck angle | Femoral neck

Femoral neck angle The angle between the longitudinal axis of the femoral neck (also: collum femoris) and the longitudinal axis of the long part of the femur (also: diaphysis) is called the femoral neck angle. Alternatively, the term CCD angle (center-collum-diaphyseal angle) is used. This should ideally be 126° in healthy adults. If this is … Femoral neck angle | Femoral neck

Congenital Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Congenital spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia translates into German roughly as “congenital malformation of the long tubular bones and vertebral bodies” and describes a form of dwarfism that is genetically caused. Other synonyms for congenital spondyloepiphyseal dsyplasia are SEDC and SED congenital type. The disease was first described by German pediatricians Jürgen W. Spranger and Hans-Rudolf Wiedemann in … Congenital Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment