Can an autohaemotherapy help? | Hay fever therapy

Can an autohaemotherapy help?

The autohaemotherapy is a controversial method in alternative medicine for the treatment of hay fever. In detail, there are different ways how the autohaemotherapy is applied. Partly the blood, which is taken from the patient, is enriched with medication.

The blood is then returned to the body. This procedure is intended to promote the body’s own defenses and stimulate the immune system. The autohaemotherapy is also used for many other diseases. The treatments must be carried out once or twice a week over a period of several weeks.

Differential diagnoses

Differential diagnoses – with which other clinical pictures could allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever) easily be confused? Differentiation by exclusion of an underlying allergic cause (e.g. by the prick test, see above) is hyperreflective rhinopathy, which is also characterized by itching and sneezing symptoms, alternate nasal running and nasal congestion. The cause is an increased reaction of the nasal mucosa to environmental or mechanical stimuli such as smoke or cold.