Cramps in the abdomen

Introduction Cramps in the abdomen can have many different causes. Most of the time they are harmless, but in some cases serious and even life-threatening diseases can be behind the pain. Cramps are caused by the contraction of so-called smooth muscles, which, unlike the striated skeletal muscles, are found in the wall of hollow organs … Cramps in the abdomen

Localization: Left, Right, Center | Cramps in the abdomen

Localization: Left, Right, Center In addition to the pain characteristics, the localization of the pain can also provide clues to its cause. For example, left-sided abdominal pain may indicate the inflammation of a bulge in the wall of the colon, a diverticulum. In this case one speaks of diverticulitis, which particularly often affects the part … Localization: Left, Right, Center | Cramps in the abdomen

Gut | Cramps in the abdomen

Gut Diseases of the intestines are a common cause of abdominal cramps. Like all hollow organs, the wall of the intestine consists of smooth musculature, which can exhibit painful contractions. Most people are familiar with intestinal cramps in infectious gastrointestinal inflammation. This disease, commonly known as gastroenteritis, is associated with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and pain. … Gut | Cramps in the abdomen

Pregnancy | Cramps in the abdomen

Pregnancy During pregnancy abdominal cramps and cramps of the abdomen are not uncommon. In most cases they are harmless and are caused by the increasing strain on the internal organs and the connective tissue of the ligament and pelvic floor apparatus. Cramp-like symptoms can also be triggered by sexual intercourse and an orgasm. The normally … Pregnancy | Cramps in the abdomen

Associated symptoms | Cramps in the abdomen

Associated symptoms The most common symptom of cramps is accompanying diarrhea and often pain or an unpleasant pulling in the abdominal area. Depending on the cause, different and unspecific symptoms can occur. In chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, in addition to sometimes bloody diarrhea, abscesses, fistulas and symptoms in other organs can also occur. The persistent … Associated symptoms | Cramps in the abdomen