
The term “coma” comes from the Greek and means “deep sleep”. It is therefore not an illness in itself, but a symptom of various diseases. The coma represents the most severe form of a disturbance of consciousness. Consciousness is the ability to perceive one’s surroundings (i.e. external stimuli, other people, etc.) and to interact with … Coma

Coma due to alcohol | Coma

Coma due to alcohol Depending on the concentration of alcohol in the blood, a distinction is made between different stages of alcohol poisoning. From an alcohol concentration of 4.0 per mille, a life-threatening alcoholic coma can occur, a failure of the function of all vital organs (multiorgan failure) can follow, and the body’s reflexes and … Coma due to alcohol | Coma

Coma and brain death | Coma

Coma and brain death Brain death is a fixed definition of death introduced in 1968. It refers to the irreversible loss of all brain functions due to extensive nerve cell death, whereby the cardiovascular function is still maintained by controlled mechanical ventilation. It is regarded as the surest sign of death, so that so-called brain … Coma and brain death | Coma