Cardiovascular diseases and high-dose vitamin D | High-dose vitamin D – when useful, when dangerous?

Cardiovascular diseases and high-dose vitamin D Various studies have already pointed to a connection between a reduced vitamin D status and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Possible connections exist between the Vitamin and illnesses like: Heart attack Stroke Heart weakness High blood pressure Heart rhythm disturbances Thrombosis For this reason, research has been carried … Cardiovascular diseases and high-dose vitamin D | High-dose vitamin D – when useful, when dangerous?

Multiple sclerosis and high-dose vitamin D | High-dose vitamin D – when useful, when dangerous?

Multiple sclerosis and high-dose vitamin D In this context, the Coimbra Protocol has already been discussed by the experts of the German Multiple Sclerosis Society. They are of the opinion that the study situation is not sufficient for a therapeutic implementation and that further controlled studies must follow. In this context, it is important to … Multiple sclerosis and high-dose vitamin D | High-dose vitamin D – when useful, when dangerous?

How to Get Fit Through the Summer

Being active in sports is one of the most popular leisure activities in summer. And a natural way to prevent civilization diseases caused by lack of exercise. However, it is only really healthy in the warm season if the diet is also right. Because only those who regularly replenish their performance stores, protect their bodies … How to Get Fit Through the Summer

What is the English Disease?

“English disease,” better known as rickets, is due to a disorder of calcium and phosphate metabolism caused by vitamin D deficiency. Its name is based on its first discovery in the mid-16th century in Great Britain. However, “English disease” was widespread throughout Europe in the age of the Industrial Revolution, and the sufferers were primarily … What is the English Disease?

Mental causes | Underweight

Mental causes Both adults and children can suffer from temporary underweight as a result of a stress reaction of our body. The stress can have many causes, ranging from grief due to the death of an important caregiver to stress at work, all of which literally strike at the stomach and the affected persons do … Mental causes | Underweight

Therapy | Underweight

Therapy If a diet to gain weight is recommended by a doctor or therapist, several small meals of healthy food per day should be consumed, which contain many vitamins, carbohydrates, trace elements and minerals. Bananas, nuts, wholemeal products, pasta, potatoes, cheese, cream and cream products, oils, spices and butter cookies are particularly suitable for this. … Therapy | Underweight

Prognosis | Underweight

Prognosis With underweight, the prognosis varies depending on the cause. The hyperthyroidism can be remedied by medication or even radioactive radiation and the thyroid function and subsequently the weight can be normalized. More serious diseases such as tumor, AIDS or tuberculosis are also partly treatable and the prognosis varies with the severity of the disease. … Prognosis | Underweight


Definition Even if overweight is one of the main problems in our western world, underweight is at least as far-reaching a problem for those affected, which can have serious and terrible consequences. All too often, not only children have to listen to terms like “asparagus tarzan” or “beanpole”. According to the Federal Statistical Office, up … Underweight

Physical causes | Underweight

Physical causes One of the most common physical reasons for being underweight is hyperthyroidism (Latin: hyperthyroidosis: hyper = over, thyroid = thyroid gland). The thyroid gland is the central organ that controls our metabolism and can accelerate it in such a way that nutrients are excessively burned and converted into energy and no nutrients are … Physical causes | Underweight

Vitamin D deficiency

Definition One speaks of a Vitamin D deficiency if the physiological need for Vitamin D cannot be sufficiently covered. As standard value a Vitamin D mirror of 30 μg/l is accepted. Straight one in Germany lies the Vitamin D mirror however far under 20μg/l. Values between 10-20μg/l are referred to as a manifest vitamin D … Vitamin D deficiency

Causes | Vitamin D deficiency

Causes The most common cause of vitamin D deficiency is insufficient intake of vitamin D from food, or insufficient formation of vitamin D by sunlight. This occurs particularly in the dark autumn and winter months. Dark skinned people living in Germany are also particularly often affected by a vitamin D deficiency, as their dark skin … Causes | Vitamin D deficiency

Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency | Vitamin D deficiency

Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency Vitamin D is formed from the precursor cholecalciferol, which is either taken in with food or formed by sunlight. This cholecalciferol then undergoes several reactions in the liver and kidneys until it is formed into the active vitamin D (also called calcitriol). In this … Pathophysiology – what happens when there is a vitamin D deficiency | Vitamin D deficiency