Toothache while lying down | Toothache at night – you should be aware of this

Toothache while lying down Many patients who suffer from acute toothache describe that it increases in intensity during the night and can also be perceived as a strong throbbing. It is often discussed whether this perception is just a fantasy or whether there are actually factors that explain an increase in toothache during the night. … Toothache while lying down | Toothache at night – you should be aware of this

What should you do if you have toothache at night? | Toothache at night – you should be aware of this

What should you do if you have toothache at night? Depending on the cause of the pain and its quality, there are many different ways of remedying it. Cool the area and do not cover it with the warm blanket. Cold prevents the spread of the inflammation and the bacteria causing it multiply, especially in … What should you do if you have toothache at night? | Toothache at night – you should be aware of this

How long does it take to remove tartar? | Tartar removal

How long does it take to remove tartar? A tartar removal at the dentist can vary in duration. Depending on the amount of tartar, the treatment can last from five to twenty minutes, provided that the roughened tooth surfaces are polished afterwards. Professional dental cleaning, which includes tartar removal, takes between 45 minutes and one … How long does it take to remove tartar? | Tartar removal

Tartar removal as part of a professional dental cleaning | Tartar removal

Tartar removal as part of a professional dental cleaning The first step of a professional tooth cleaning, PZR for short, is the mechanical or manual removal of tartar deposits on each tooth. The surfaces of the teeth roughened by the treatment with ultrasound or curettes are smoothed and protected by a polish after the removal … Tartar removal as part of a professional dental cleaning | Tartar removal

Tartar removal

Tartar develops when the initially soft deposits (plaque) are mineralized by the calcium and phosphate ions found in saliva. Tartar is removed as part of dental tartar removal or by professional dental cleaning (PZR). What is plaque? If you brush your teeth thoroughly, a very thin layer of proteins forms after a short time on … Tartar removal