Which home remedies help? | Broken tooth-This should be done immediately

Which home remedies help?

There are no household remedies that can help with a fractured tooth. Camomile tea or chewing on cloves only helps with irritation of the gums, which can often be a concomitant symptom of a fall and a traumatized tooth. However, if the tooth has become unstable and broken off, for example due to caries, no home remedy can heal the caries or fill the existing hole.

What to do when the nerve is exposed?

If the tooth has broken off in such a way that the nerve and vessel chamber is exposed, the only possibility is usually to treat it with a root canal treatment. If the tooth is broken off and the pulp marrow and the vessels in it are not contaminated by bacteria, there is a theoretical possibility to try to cap the nerve chamber. However, since in almost all cases the pulp has already come into contact with saliva and is bacterially infected, this therapeutic approach is not considered. After root canal treatment and successful root filling, there is an increased risk of fracture and the tooth should be crowned quickly to protect it.

What is behind a black coloration of the tooth?

A dark discoloration of the tooth is caused by the death of the vessels that lie within the marrow chamber of the tooth.The supply of nutrients through the vessels ensures that the tooth does not lose its water reservoir and remains resilient. If this condition is no longer present due to a bacterial infection or a fracture and the vessels are devitalized, the tooth becomes brittle and turns dark grey to black. The tooth turns black when blood remains inside the tooth chamber.

This blood decays to iron, which is black and is deposited in the enamel. Even a canal that has not been optimally rinsed during a root canal treatment can cause a discolored tooth after completion if blood remains in the canal. In the case of a fracture, these discolorations become more apparent as the lightest layer, the enamel, breaks off and the discolored layer close to the pulp becomes visible. If the fractured tooth is not treated, caries may also form, causing a black discoloration and “decay”.