
Structure of the skin The skin (cutis), with an area of about 2 m2 and accounting for 15% of body weight, it is one of the largest organs in humans. It consists of the epidermis (upper skin) and the dermis (leather skin) underneath. The outermost layer, the epidermis, is a keratinized, multilayered squamous epithelium without … Skin

What to do for Skin Blisters?

The skin is our largest organ. It gives us the ability to perceive touch, pressure, tension and temperature differences. The receptors that are important for these sensations are located in the epidermis and dermis. In total, the skin consists of three layers that are interconnected. Epidermis, dermis, hypodermis The epidermis, or upper skin, is the … What to do for Skin Blisters?

Which is the Largest Sensory Organ?

The nose? Or the ears, perhaps? No, of course it is the skin. The skin is the largest sensory organ in humans! It is a waterproof, solid, padded layer that protects against influences such as heat, cold, sun and germs. A protective coat that needs sufficient care from the inside and outside! Every person has … Which is the Largest Sensory Organ?

Aging Skin

Symptoms As we age, our skin is no longer the same as the skin we received as infants. The main characteristics of aging skin include: Loss of elasticity and shine, pallor, sagging. Dry skin, rough skin, loss of barrier function, itching. Susceptibility to skin diseases, eg benign and malignant neoplasms, actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, … Aging Skin

Skin itches after shaving

Causes of itchy skin after shaving If the skin itches after shaving, in most cases it is caused by a phenomenon known as “razor burn”. Razor burn (pseudofolliculitis barbae) often manifests itself through redness, irritation and itching of the affected skin areas. Most affected persons also report the additional appearance of small reddish shaving spots … Skin itches after shaving


Overview The nail is a cornification product of the epidermis, the uppermost layer of the skin. The curved and approximately 0.5-mm-thick nail plate of the fingernails and toenails rests on the nail bed, which is bounded laterally and proximally by the nail wall, a fold of skin. The nail bed is covered by epithelium (stratum … Nails

The dermis of the human being

Definition – What is the dermis? The dermis is one of the largest human organs, the skin, and is therefore vital. As in every mammal, the skin consists of different layers – one of which is the dermis. It is precisely this layer of skin that is tanned in the leather production process that gives … The dermis of the human being

Nitroglycerin Patch

Products Nitroglycerin has been approved in many countries since 1981 in the form of a transdermal patch (Nitroderm, others). Structure and properties Nitroglycerin or glycerol trinitrate (C3H5N3O9, Mr = 227.1 g/mol) is an organic nitrate. It is nitrated glycerol. Nitroglycerin exists as an oily liquid and is explosive if not stabilized. Synthesis Effects Nitroglycerin (ATC … Nitroglycerin Patch