Back-friendly behavior

The term “back-friendly behavior” refers to behavior in everyday life and exercises to prevent back problems and alleviate existing complaints. People who stand a lot and for a long time in everyday life or perform one-sided monotonous movements should pay attention to a back-friendly posture. People who sit for long periods of time at work … Back-friendly behavior

Stretch the back muscles with specific exercises | How can I strengthen the back muscles?

Stretch the back muscles with specific exercises If muscles are not stretched sufficiently due to lack of movement, the muscles shorten and “stick together”. This can not only lead to tension and pain, but after a certain period of time it can also considerably restrict mobility. This problem can be counteracted by stretching. By stretching, … Stretch the back muscles with specific exercises | How can I strengthen the back muscles?

Which machines are suitable for training the back muscles? | How can I strengthen the back muscles?

Which machines are suitable for training the back muscles? According to a saying, “a strong back knows no pain“. There is a lot of truth in this saying: because often the causes of back problems are back muscles that are too weakly developed. Anyone who wants to develop these muscles in a targeted manner must … Which machines are suitable for training the back muscles? | How can I strengthen the back muscles?

Alternative treatment measures | Physiotherapy for elbow pain

Alternative treatment measures Elbow pain can be treated with homeopathic remedies such as arnica. In addition, those affected report pain relief under acupuncture or taping bandages. Ergotherapie helps concerning with an ergonomic job design, so that occupation-conditional elbow pain is preventively worked against and concerning learn important rules for the joint protection. Summary Elbow pain … Alternative treatment measures | Physiotherapy for elbow pain

Physiotherapy for elbow pain

Elbow pain is a common complaint in the population and has very different causes. These range from inflammation of the bursa, to a fracture, to dislocation or inflammation. The injuries are usually persistent and their treatment often proves to be lengthy. Depending on the underlying cause, the symptoms are either acute and strongly stinging, or … Physiotherapy for elbow pain

What to do when the pain reaches the hand? | Physiotherapy for elbow pain

What to do when the pain reaches the hand? Unfortunately, it is not unusual for elbow pain to extend into the hand. Because the multitude of muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves of the forearm, hand and fingers originate at the elbow. If these are overloaded by a continuous monotonous movement or too intensive sport training, … What to do when the pain reaches the hand? | Physiotherapy for elbow pain

Localization of the pain | Physiotherapy for elbow pain

Localization of the pain In addition to the character of the pain, the localization of the pain also says a lot about the underlying causes. In most cases the treatment is purely conservative.Adequate immobilization and protection of the overstrained tendons is elementary. But physiotherapy is also an important part of therapy: patients learn stretching exercises … Localization of the pain | Physiotherapy for elbow pain

RSI Syndrome

Introduction The RSI syndrome (Repetitive Strain Injury) is a kind of collective term for a variety of ailments and pain originating from nerves, vessels, muscles, tendons and trigger points. It mainly refers to complaints caused by repetitive and stereotypical (constantly repeating) movements and work in the forearm and hand. Often there are several causes for … RSI Syndrome