Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of “diabetes” that develops over a period of years as a result of a poorly adjusted blood sugar level and can occur regardless of the cause of the metabolic disorder. Permanently elevated blood sugar levels can lead to changes in the vessels of the kidney, as well as structural changes … Diabetic nephropathy

How does the disease develop | Diabetic nephropathy

How does the disease develop The development of diabetic nephropathy is still controversial, with the so-called “metabolic theory” being considered the most likely. This theory assumes that the permanently elevated blood sugar level initially leads to damage of these structures and associated functional changes due to the attachment of sugar molecules to body proteins, such … How does the disease develop | Diabetic nephropathy

Early diagnosis | Diabetic nephropathy

Early diagnosis Since the clinical picture of diabetic nephropathy occurs in the majority of people suffering from “sugar”, patients should be examined annually for the presence of the nephropathy. The early detection examination includes, among other things, determination of the amount of albumin in the morning urine; if this is below 20 mg/l, damage to … Early diagnosis | Diabetic nephropathy

Albumin: Function & Diseases

Albumins are blood proteins that belong to the globular protein group. Their most important function in the human body is to maintain colloid osmotic pressure. What is albumin? Albumins are proteins that belong to the plasma protein group. Human albumins are also known as human albumin. The blood proteins have a molecular mass of approximately … Albumin: Function & Diseases


Lozaar® is the trade name of the drug containing the active ingredient losartan potassium. Fields of application Lozaar® belongs to the drug group of angiotensin II receptor antagonists and can lower blood pressure by blocking the binding of angiotensin to the receptor. In addition, Lozaar® can help maintain kidney function for longer periods of time … Lorzaar®

Interactions | Lorzaar®

Interactions Other medications taken may be influenced in their effect by Lorzaar® or may influence the effect of Lorzaar®. These include the following drugs: No interactions with food or beverages are known to date. Lorzaar® can be taken independently of food intake. Lorzaar® is best swallowed whole with a glass of water. Medicines for high … Interactions | Lorzaar®

Stinky Urine: Causes, Treatment & Help

The natural excretions of the organism can give information about various disorders and diseases due to their nature. In this regard, foul-smelling or stinking urine or urine represents an important criterion. What is foul-smelling urine? Foul-smelling urine is a clear indication of various health impairments. Foul-smelling urine is a clear indicator of various health impairments. … Stinky Urine: Causes, Treatment & Help