Benzodiazepine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Benzodiazepines are special chemical compounds (compounds of a benzene ring with a diazepine ring) that exert psychotropic effects in the body. They are used in medicine as antianxiety (anxiolytic), central-muscle-relaxant, sedative, and sleep-inducing (hypnotic) drugs. The anticonvulsant (anticonvulsant) effects of some benzodiazepines also explain their use as antiepileptic drugs. What are benzodiazepines? All benzodiazepines are … Benzodiazepine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Side effects of Valium

Synonyms diazepam Side effects One of the desired effects in some indications, namely sedation, can of course also become an undesirable side effect and manifest itself as drowsiness, heaviness and fatigue. It is therefore very important to point out to the patient that taking Valium® (Valium® side effects) will impair the patient’s ability to react, … Side effects of Valium

Intoxication Poisoning with Valium | Side effects of Valium

Intoxication Poisoning with Valium Benzodiazepines (Valium®) are often misused for suicide attempts. Overdosage can cause symptoms of poisoning as a side effect, which are primarily manifested in an overly strong expression of the actual effects. Only in combination with alcohol or other centrally attenuating substances does a relevant respiratory depression (respiratory arrest) occur. In case … Intoxication Poisoning with Valium | Side effects of Valium