Duration of middle ear infection in infants | Inflammation of the middle ear in infants

Duration of middle ear infection in infants Acute middle ear infection heals completely in most children within 7-14 days. In most cases, the symptoms decrease significantly after 2-3 days. If this is not the case, the treating pediatrician usually starts antibiotic therapy. During an acute inflammation of the middle ear, the child should not go … Duration of middle ear infection in infants | Inflammation of the middle ear in infants

Can my child with a middle ear infection fly? | Inflammation of the middle ear in infants

Can my child with a middle ear infection fly? Theoretically yes. In practice, however, air travel should be avoided as far as possible in the case of middle ear infection. Flying does not cause additional damage to the ear in the case of a pure middle ear infection. However, the increased pressure on the ears … Can my child with a middle ear infection fly? | Inflammation of the middle ear in infants

Causes | Inflammation of the middle ear in infants

Causes Inflammation of the middle ear often occurs in small children when accompanied by an infection, e.g. a flu-like infection, influenza or sore throat. Viruses enter the throat area and the mucous membranes swell, also in the area of the ear trumpet. This causes a congestion of secretion in the ear and the small pathogens … Causes | Inflammation of the middle ear in infants


Definition The eardrum, also called tympanic membrane (Membrana tympani), is an essential part of the sound conducting apparatus of the human ear and forms the boundary between the external auditory canal and the middle ear. Anatomy The round to longitudinal oval eardrum measures about 9-11mm in its longest diameter and is only 0.1mm thick. Its … Eardrum

Eardrum vibrates | Eardrum

Eardrum vibrates It is part of the regular function of the eardrum that it is set into vibration and oscillation by sound waves. Normally, these vibrations are not noticeable. However, in the context of certain diseases, symptoms such as noticeable vibration, humming and other disturbing noises in the ear can occur. The causes can be … Eardrum vibrates | Eardrum

Noise Audiometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

In Langenbeck’s noise audiometry, the hearing threshold is determined for different pitches with simultaneous superimposition of the pure tone with a background noise. The audiometric test allows conclusions to be drawn about whether sensorineural damage is present, that is, damage in the sensory system (sensors in the cochlea) and/or in the downstream neural area. The … Noise Audiometry: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Timpani effusion

Definition A tympanic effusion is a non-physiological accumulation of fluid that is located in the middle ear and leads to increased pressure. There, there is an air-filled cavity between the eardrum and the inner ear, which is partly responsible for healthy hearing. Serous fluids or blood and pus can accumulate here for a variety of … Timpani effusion

Therapy | Timpani effusion

Therapy There are several possibilities for the treatment of tympanic effusion, whereby the cause of the tympanic effusion is decisive. If a simple cold is present, no special treatment is required, since the tympanic froth disappears when the cold subsides. Possibly decongestant nasal drops and expectorant drugs such as ACC help here. However, especially in … Therapy | Timpani effusion