Causes | Inflammation of the middle ear in infants


Inflammation of the middle ear often occurs in small children when accompanied by an infection, e.g. a flu-like infection, influenza or sore throat. Viruses enter the throat area and the mucous membranes swell, also in the area of the ear trumpet. This causes a congestion of secretion in the ear and the small pathogens can work their way into the ear, settle there and multiply.

This situation then results in an inflammation of the middle ear and the child experiences the above-mentioned symptoms. As already mentioned, the polyps can also be responsible for the development. In addition, allergic reactions or even inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can promote the development of an inflammation of the middle ear.

Other risk factors are also the use of a pacifier, visiting daycare centers or similar childcare facilities and the passive inhalation of tobacco smoke, which is the biggest risk factor, as it weakens the immune system of children and thus promotes infections of the respiratory tract. A protective effect is achieved by feeding with breast milk instead of bottled milk.