
Other termf Hawthorn General note Application of Crataegus for the following diseases in homeopathy Old age heart High blood pressure Coronary artery stenosis Angina pectoris (constriction of the heart, heart pain, breathing difficulties) Arteriosclerosis (also on the vessels of the brain) Damage to the heart muscle due to infections (heart muscle inflammation/myocarditis) Use of Crataegus … Crataegus


Other term Henbane Application of Hyoscyamus for the following diseases in homeopathy Acute and chronic bronchitis with dry tickling cough especially when lying down and at night Epileptic seizures with twitching of the limbs, tongue bite, uncontrolled discharge of stool and urine Use of Hyoscyamus for the following symptoms Aggravation of cough by drinking, eating … Hyoscyamus


Other term Wormweed Application of Spigelia in the following diseases in homeopathy Rheumatic inflammation of the heart Narrowing of the coronary arteries Migraine Irritation and inflammation of nerves, especially in the area of the trigeminal nerve (facial nerve) Also known as worming agent Use of Spigelia for the following symptoms The symptoms increase and decrease … Spigelia

Corallium rubrum

Other termf Precious coral Application of Corallium rubrum for the following diseases in homeopathy Whooping cough with choking and bluish colouring of the skin Flu Cough Use of Corallium rubrum for the following symptoms/complaints Coughing barking and in rapid succession Active Organs Bronchia Usual dosage Common: Tablets Corallium rubrum D3, D4, D6 Ampoules Corallium rubrum … Corallium rubrum

Conium maculatum

Other termf Speckled Hemlock Application of Conium maculatum for the following diseases in homeopathy Conium can also be used as a homeopathic treatment for vitreous detachment. However, this should be clarified with the ophthalmologist beforehand. – Dizziness starting from the head caused by sitting up or turning in bed Dry, spasmodic cough with viscous secretion … Conium maculatum


Other termf Lily of the valley Use of convallaria for the following diseases in homeopathy Cardiac insufficiency with water retention in tissue Breast tightness and pain with narrowed coronary arteries Cardiac arrhythmia Heart problems after infections Use of Convallaria for the following symptoms/complaints Sleepless and restless at night, therefore exhausted and sleepy during the day … Convallaria


Other term May apple Duckfoot Application of Podophyllum in the following diseases in homeopathy Diseases of the liver and gall bladder Jaundice Inflammations of the colon Acute diarrhea with vomiting Hemorrhoids Cast-like, watery diarrhea, often alternating with constipation Emptiness and misery starting from the stomach Tongue covered Use of Podophyllum for the following symptoms Aggravation … Podophyllum

Collinsonia canadensis

Other termf Semolina root Application of Collinsonia canadensis for the following diseases in homeopathy Chronic constipation with haemorrhoids Often alternating with cramps and diarrhoea Application Collinsonia canadensis can be used for the following complaints: Flatulence Anal plugging Constipation during pregnancy Swelling and sensation disorders of the lips Dried-out, bulbous stool Active Organs Gastrointestinal tract (especially … Collinsonia canadensis

Autumn colchicum

Other termf Autumn Crocus Application of Colchicum autumnale for the following diseases in homeopathy Gastrointestinal infections with cramps Bloody diarrhea Gout Muscle and joint rheumatism Use of Colchicum autumnale for the following symptoms/complaints Great weakness Dry mouth Much thirst Tendency to collapse Vomiting (already the smell of food makes you vomit) Joints stiff with wandering … Autumn colchicum


Other termf Kockelkorn Application of Cocculus for the following diseases Vertigo when lifting the head Often with vomiting Major depression Use of Cocculus for the following symptoms/complaints Cramps Symptoms of paralysis Typical is the frequent change of sides of the complaints. Aggravation by driving in a car, train or ship (dizziness predominant) Stomach cramps Cramps … Cocculus


Other term St. John’s wort General information Hypericum can be used externally as a wound treatment and has a healing effect on skin damaged by exposure to light. Application of Hypericum for the following diseases in homeopathy Skin diseases caused by light Depressions Conditions after concussion Nerve contusions Use of Hypericum for the following symptoms … Hypericum


Other termf Bugweed Use of Cimicifuga for the following diseases Menopausal women with migraine (pain severe, as if a wedge was driven into the head from behind) Often doughy overweight Rheumatism Depression Use of Cimicifuga for the following symptoms/complaints Joint Pain Rheumatism in the menopause Nervous heart problems Hysterical attitude Active Organs Ovaries Uterus Joints … Cimicifuga