
Other term


Application of Hyoscyamus for the following diseases in homeopathy

  • Acute and chronic bronchitis with dry tickling cough especially when lying down and at night
  • Epileptic seizures with twitching of the limbs, tongue bite, uncontrolled discharge of stool and urine

Use of Hyoscyamus for the following symptoms

Aggravation of cough by drinking, eating and speaking.

  • Inflammations in the area of the trachea and larynx
  • Awareness disorders with great restlessness, violence and lewd speech
  • Initially excited, later anesthesia with fast pulse and irregular breathing

Active Organs

  • Upper airways and bronchi
  • Central Nervous System
  • Bubble

Usual dosage

Commonly used:

  • Tablets (drops) Hyoscyamus D3, D4, D6, D12, D30
  • Ampoules Hyoscyamus D4, D6, D12