Eastern Approach to Therapy

Dr. Thomas Ruprecht: In modern Western disease teaching, different diseases are distinguished as a matter of priority. Here, patients with a particular disease receive the same medicine. In Chinese medicine, on the other hand, two patients suffering from the same disease from a Western point of view are treated differently by the doctor if their … Eastern Approach to Therapy

When Yin and Yang are Out of Balance

Far Eastern medicine is exerting an ever-increasing appeal on people in the Western world – according to surveys, “gentle medicine” is now a valuable supplement to conventional therapy for more than two-thirds of Germans. From acupuncture to Zen meditation, many of its components have already found their way into our everyday lives. And also the … When Yin and Yang are Out of Balance

Endurance sports and nutrition

Introduction Many people in Germany practice endurance sports to keep fit and to create a balance to everyday life. The majority of athletes train for a marathon or other long-distance sporting event and, in addition to their training plan, also pay attention to a suitable diet in order to achieve the best possible performance during … Endurance sports and nutrition


Synonyms Malnutrition, quantitative malnutritionThe human body needs large amounts of energy every day, which it uses to set various metabolic processes in motion. Also the supply of the organs and the brain can only be guaranteed by using energy. As a result, the organism is dependent on a regular supply of food components such as … Malnutrition

Symptoms/Consequences | Malnutrition

Symptoms/Consequences The symptoms of malnutrition are many and varied and do not manifest themselves in the same way in every affected person. The most important factors for the occurrence of certain symptoms are the extent of malnutrition and the length of time over which the malnutrition exists. In most cases, unwanted weight loss is the … Symptoms/Consequences | Malnutrition

Diagnosis | Malnutrition

Diagnosis A first indication of the presence of malnutrition can be given by self-tests, but the person concerned must answer honestly. People who suspect that they are suffering from malnutrition should try to answer two questions: 1. have I lost weight unintentionally during the past months? (We are talking about several kilograms here) 2. have … Diagnosis | Malnutrition

Therapy | Malnutrition

Therapy To treat malnutrition successfully, the exact cause must first be determined. The main goal of the therapy is to supply the organism with a sufficient amount of energy. Since the causes of malnutrition are in many cases also due to psychological factors, an appropriate psychotherapy should be initiated. For most of those affected, menus … Therapy | Malnutrition