Epiphysiolysis capitis femoris (ECF)

Synonyms Juvenile epiphyseal solution, juvenile epiphysiolysis, epiphyseal solution, epiphyseolysis, epiphyseolysis Definition Epiphyseolysis capitis femoris is the detachment and sliding or tilting of the head of the femoral neck in the growth plate from the femoral neck. This clinical picture occurs during puberty and is seldom acute, but can last for weeks or months. Age This … Epiphysiolysis capitis femoris (ECF)

Prognosis | Epiphysiolysis capitis femoris (ECF)

Prognosis It is important for the prognosis in the case of epiphysliolysis capitis femoris that the disease has been diagnosed and treated early. In case of an early diagnosis with appropriate surgical correction without further malpositioning, the prognosis is good and healing is therefore possible. However, if healing occurs in a malposition, there is usually … Prognosis | Epiphysiolysis capitis femoris (ECF)