Home remedies for nail fungus (e.g. vinegar)

Home remedies against nail fungus

Whether advice books, the Internet or one’s own grandmother – home remedies against nail fungus are recommended from many sides as an alternative or accompanying measure to conventional medical treatment.

For example, many sufferers scour the Internet in search of an insider tip against nail fungus and try to treat the nail fungus in the early stages with a home remedy themselves.

The advantage of home remedies is that they are partly already available in the household and often cheaper than medical agents. Whether home remedies such as vinegar, lemon or toothpaste really help against nail fungus, however, is usually not medically proven or at least not sufficiently studied.

(Apple) vinegar against nail fungus

Vinegar against nail fungus is a very common home remedy and some patients wonder if nail fungus can be successfully treated with vinegar.

The application for nail fungus on the feet often takes the form of a foot bath: to do this, mix warm water with vinegar in a ratio of 1:1 and bathe the feet in it for 10 to 15 minutes. Apple cider vinegar in particular is often recommended as a home remedy for toenail fungus.

Alternatively, you can wet a cotton swab or a cotton ball with vinegar and rub it on the infested nail.

Instead of vinegar, sometimes vinegar essence is used against nail fungus. This is vinegar with a high acid content. The vinegar essence should be applied to the affected areas one to three times a day. But caution is advised here, because skin irritation can occur around the nail!

Medicinal plants against nail fungus

For nail fungus and other fungal infections of the skin, classical phytotherapy recommends medicinal herbs such as sage leaves, calendula flowers, turmeric root, rosemary leaves and cinnamon. The medicinal herbs can be used internally as a tea or externally (such as for a foot bath).

Generally for fungal infections, garlic is also recommended. For nail fungus, it can be sliced or crushed in a garlic press and then applied to the affected nail. Taken internally, it should also help, especially in the form of a high-dose preparation from the pharmacy.

Tea tree oil against nail fungus

Another frequently recommended nail fungus home remedy is tea tree oil. Nail fungus should be able to be killed effectively with it. The essential oil is also generally well tolerated.

The application is similar to that of vinegar: Nail fungus will be three to four times a day with a cotton ball wetted with tea tree oil. You can also put a few drops directly on the diseased nail or in a foot bath.

Many pharmacies also offer a herbal nail fungus oil, which in addition to tea tree oil contains, for example, the essential oils of sage or lemon balm.

Baking soda against nail fungus

The sodium bicarbonate contained in baking soda is also said to help against nail fungus when used alone as a foot bath.

Lemon against nail fungus

Lemon is a tried-and-tested household remedy for nail fungus: soak a cotton swab in fresh lemon juice and apply it to the affected nail in the morning and evening. Repeat this daily for several weeks – even a few days after the symptoms have subsided.

Other home remedies against nail fungus

Tea tree oil and vinegar are most often recommended against nail fungus. However, other nail fungus home remedies are known, for example, self urine, salt water or alcohol. Again, the effectiveness is questionable.

Home remedies for nail fungus: Conclusion

Home remedies have their limits. If the symptoms persist for a long period of time, do not improve or even get worse despite treatment, you should always consult a doctor.