Migraine Headache

Symptoms Migraine occurs in attacks. It may announce itself up to three days before an attack with various precursors (prodromes). These include, for example: Mood changes Fatigue Hunger Frequent yawning Irritability Aura may occur before the headache phase in up to about one-third of patients: Visual disturbances such as flickering lights, dots or lines, facial … Migraine Headache


Products Alkaloids and their derivatives are contained as active ingredients in numerous medicines. They have been used medicinally for thousands of years, such as opium with morphine or coca leaves with cocaine. In 1805, a pure alkaloid was extracted for the first time by the German pharmacist Friedrich Sertürner with morphine. Structure and properties Alkaloids … Alkaloids

Ergot: Medicinal Uses

Stem plant Fungus: Clavicipitaceae, parasite on rye and other grasses and cereals. Medicinal drug Secale cornutum, ergot: The sclerotium of Tulasne (PH 4) collected from the ear of rye and dried rapidly over lime immediately without application of heat – no longer officinal. Preparations The old pharmacopoeias contained some preparations, e.g. Extractum Secalis cornuti. Ingredients … Ergot: Medicinal Uses

Ergot Alkaloids

Structure and properties Depending on the side chains, ergot alkaloids are classified into two different groups: Ergometrine-type ergot alkaloids (e.g., ergometrine, methylergometrine). Peptide-type ergot alkaloids (e.g., ergotamine, ergotoxine, bromocriptine). Effects Ergot alkaloids exhibit the following effects in varying degrees: Partial agonists at alpha-adrenoreceptors. Partial agonists at serotonin receptors Stimulation of dopamine receptors Contraction of vascular … Ergot Alkaloids


Products Motherwort is available as open goods in pharmacies and drugstores. Arkocaps motherwort are out of trade. Motherwort Asteraceae, motherwort. Medicinal drug Tanaceti parthenii herba – Motherwort: motherwort consists of the dried, whole or cut, aerial parts of Schultz Bip. (PhEur). PhEur requires a minimum content of parthenolide. Ingredients Sesquiterpene lactones: e.g. parthenolide. Essential oil … Motherwort


Burning grain, wolf tooth, hunger grainThe so-called ergot occurs mainly in rye. During the flowering period of the grain, the fungal plexus (mycelium) of ergot grows through the ovaries with short fibers. Spores are formed, which unite in a sweet juice, the so-called “honeydew”. Insects transfer so the affection on other ovaries. The fungal fibers … Ergot