Vaginal dryness

Introduction Vaginal dryness is a widespread symptom that many women have to deal with. The vagina naturally produces secretions that keep the mucous membranes moist and make it difficult for pathogens to colonize them. Dry mucous membranes, on the other hand, are more susceptible to infections of all kinds, since germs can attach themselves better … Vaginal dryness

Fertile days

Definition A woman’s fertile days are the days in the menstrual cycle when fertilization of an egg can take place. This phase of the cycle is also known as the “fertile cycle phase” or “fertile window”. After ovulation, the egg is located in the outer third of the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized … Fertile days

Is it possible to measure the fertile days? | Fertile days

Is it possible to measure the fertile days? There are several ways to determine the fertile days approximately. There are a number of different ovulation tests (e.g. Clearblue), which determine the time of ovulation based on hormonal concentrations in the female urine (see above). This test is suitable for increasing the likelihood of pregnancy, as … Is it possible to measure the fertile days? | Fertile days

Contraception | Fertile days

Contraception There are several natural contraceptive methods that aim to limit the fertile and infertile days of the female cycle. Ovulation calculators, menstrual calendars, but also symptothermal methods are used, in which the assessment of the cervical mucus and the measurement of basal body temperature are the main focus. Symptothermal methods are considered relatively safe … Contraception | Fertile days

Changes of the nipples during pregnancy

Introduction During a pregnancy, numerous processes of change and adaptation take place in the woman’s body. The typical symptoms described by many pregnant women are summarized as signs of pregnancy, which can vary in strength and duration from woman to woman. Especially in the area of the breast and nipple (nipple), the hormonal changes are … Changes of the nipples during pregnancy

Cause | Changes of the nipples during pregnancy

Cause When pregnancy begins, the body releases large amounts of estrogen and progesterone in addition to the pregnancy hormone beta- HCG to prepare for the upcoming pregnancy. The hormone surge leads to increased growth processes in the breast and the formation of additional mammary glands to ensure that the infant is adequately nourished after birth … Cause | Changes of the nipples during pregnancy

Therapy | Changes of the nipples during pregnancy

Therapy There is no uniform therapy against unpleasant nipples during pregnancy that is effective for all women. Every woman feels the change processes that take place in her body differently. For some it is already sufficient to know that other pregnant women feel the same way and that most complaints disappear after three months. Others, … Therapy | Changes of the nipples during pregnancy

Care | Changes of the nipples during pregnancy

Care For the care of the sensitive nipples of a pregnant woman there are numerous tips and household remedies. However, what should not be underestimated is the independent oil secretion of the Montgomery glands that surround the areola. Already at the beginning of the pregnancy these begin to work and produce protective oils that give … Care | Changes of the nipples during pregnancy


Introduction Clomiphene is a drug that is mainly taken by women with unfulfilled desire to have children. The active ingredient is a so-called oestrogen receptor antagonist, which triggers ovulation. Clomiphene can easily be taken in tablet form and is therefore prescribed as the treatment of choice for infertility. Effect Clomiphene is a drug from the … Clomiphene

Side effects | Clomiphene

Side effects As with all medicines, side effects can occur when taking clomiphene. The adverse effects depend mainly on the dosage and the duration of the medication. The hormonal stimulation can lead to multiple pregnancies and an enlargement of the ovaries. Ovarian cysts with fluid accumulation in the abdomen can also be caused by taking … Side effects | Clomiphene

Interactions | Clomiphene

Interactions Currently, no interactions of clomiphene with other drugs are known. Nevertheless, it should be clarified with the treating doctor before the start of therapy whether the woman is taking other drugs. Alternatives to clomiphene Treatment with clomiphene does not lead to the desired success in every woman. In addition to clomiphene, there are alternative … Interactions | Clomiphene