Unilateral occurrence of blurred vision | Blurred vision – What is behind it?

Unilateral occurrence of blurred vision Depending on which part of the eye and thus the visual process is impaired, blurred vision may occur in only one eye. For example, a disease of the retina or the optic nerve behind it can be unilateral. A process that leads to a clouding of the normally transparent structures … Unilateral occurrence of blurred vision | Blurred vision – What is behind it?

Eye Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Eye diseases have serious consequences for those affected: Reduced visual acuity, halo effects, reduced contrast vision and a narrowed field of vision can even lead to accidents. If even glasses and contact lenses no longer help, the only option left for the affected person is surgery. Eye surgery is also absolutely necessary for degenerative eye … Eye Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Eye Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Eye pain – as multifaceted as it can be, so are the causes and associated therapeutic approaches to effectively address eye pain. What is eye pain? In most cases, the causes of eye pain lie within the eye. For example, the cornea and sclera are particularly sensitive to pain. Eye pain involves painful sensations that … Eye Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Papillitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Papillitis is the name given to a subtype of optic neuritis in which the optic nerve is damaged along its course at the so-called optic nerve head (papilla). Papillitis causes visual disturbances up to complete loss of vision. What is papillitis? Optic neuritis is differentiated into several subtypes depending on the location of the inflammation. … Papillitis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment