Pucking | Problems with baby falling asleep


Pucking is a special wrapping technique, the use of which is intended to help babies to a calm and relaxed sleep. Various studies have shown that especially restless premature and newborn babies, as well as babies who write, benefit from pucking. Babies can be puked from the first day of life until about 5 months of age.

The arms of the baby lie close to the body and the physiological Moro – reflex is prevented by this wrapping technique. The Moro – Reflex is an innate reflex reaction to a fright stimulus, which serves as a protection – and defense mechanism. Triggered by changes in position or acoustic stimuli, the child’s mouth is opened, arms raised and fingers spread.

In the second phase, the mouth closes again, the fingers are bent by a fist and the arms are brought together in front of the chest. If this reaction occurs during sleep, it leads to restlessness and problems with the sleep rhythm and especially with falling asleep. The tight fit of the arms when puking stops the reflex and the children can sleep without disturbance and in peace. In addition, pucking gives babies a feeling of security and warmth that they know from their mother’s womb and thus exercises a protective and sheltered character. As soon as the babies become more mobile and start to turn on their stomach, the pucking should be adjusted so that the natural urge to move is not suppressed.

Problems with falling asleep of the baby at 3 months

Everything approximately around sleep can take in the first life weeks – and months a large value in the life of the baby and also the parents and lead to some problems and difficulties. In the first 3 months of life, babies sleep on average 15 – 16 hours a day. This sleep is regularly distributed over the day in the first weeks to about 6 sleep phases.

Nevertheless, it must be remembered that every child is different and small deviations are completely normal and are no exception. The individual need for sleep is innate to us. The babies have to learn to adjust to the day and night rhythm in the first weeks of life and also to adjust a regular food intake.Since babies cannot calm down on their own in the first 3 months, the sleeping ritual in particular is a great challenge in most cases.

The small babies are very restless and whining. Often the problems with falling asleep are accompanied by increased crying, which is an additional burden for the parents. In order to find their way to sleep and to calm down, the babies need the attention and physical contact of their parents.

Weighing in the arm or gentle touches give the baby a feeling of warmth and security and create a calm atmosphere. In the first months, you should make sure that the babies are changed before going to bed, that you keep calm and that you pay attention to a certain regularity. Only in this way can the babies develop a proper rhythm.