Inadequate Micronutrient Intake: What Can Affect Food Quality?

Today’s food supply is diverse. However, the quality of our food can be influenced by many factors: Industrial food production Artificial fertilizers, pesticides, factory farming. Processed food Heating, freezing, drying, canning, irradiation, blanching, refining, additives, impurities. Vital substance losses of food Due to long transport routes and storage, as well as kitchen processing. Storage, preparation, … Inadequate Micronutrient Intake: What Can Affect Food Quality?

Macro- and Micronutrients (Vital Substances)

Macro- and micronutrients (= vital substances) are building blocks that our body needs for its diverse cell and organ functions. The human organism has needed these “vital substances” since the beginning of human history, that is, for 4.4 million years. Vital substances (macro- and micronutrients) include: Vitamins Minerals Trace elements Vital fatty acids Amino acids … Macro- and Micronutrients (Vital Substances)