Removal of xanthelasma

Introduction Xanthelasmas are deposits of fat in the skin around the eyelid. Removal is only medically indicated in the case of impaired vision and is therefore considered a cosmetic operation which is not covered by the health insurance and therefore has to be paid for by the patient. Cosmetically disturbing xanthelasma can be removed both … Removal of xanthelasma

When is it possible for the health insurance company to cover the costs? | Removal of xanthelasma

When is it possible for the health insurance company to cover the costs? The removal of xanthelasma is equivalent to a cosmetic treatment. It is not part of the medical services. Therefore the costs are not paid by the statutory health insurance companies. However, it is possible that privately insured persons may receive reimbursement. If … When is it possible for the health insurance company to cover the costs? | Removal of xanthelasma

Overweight and psychology

Foreword This topic deals mainly with the psychological aspects of overweight. Permanent weight reduction can only be achieved if the mechanisms leading to obesity are understood. Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Adiposity Overweight, obese, fat, thick, obese, corpulent, full, chubby, obesity per magna, obesity, ideal weight, normal weight, underweight Definition overweight The term overweight … Overweight and psychology

Frequency (Epidemiology) | Overweight and psychology

Frequency (Epidemiology) Occurrence in the populationEtwa every 5th adult and every 20th young person in Germany suffers from obesity (overweight) requiring treatment. The probability of becoming overweight clearly increases with age. Especially women are at risk with increasing age. In addition to determining the BMI (Body Mass Index) and the distribution of fat, medical laboratory … Frequency (Epidemiology) | Overweight and psychology