Healthy on Air Travel

Many dream destinations can only be reached by plane. But how great are the health risks of flying and how can one prepare sensibly for a flight? Every year, more than 145 million people take off and land at German airports, and this year it will hardly be less. However, air travelers are repeatedly startled … Healthy on Air Travel

Tropical Diseases: Protection from Bites

How incredibly fast a mosquito-borne disease can spread geographically is shown particularly clearly by the example of the “West Nile” virus. The viral disease, which manifests itself 1-6 days after a mosquito bite with sudden high fever, headache, and pain in the limbs, was first diagnosed in Uganda in 1937. West Nile fever in the … Tropical Diseases: Protection from Bites

How can I sterilize bottles during the flight | Air travel with babies and toddlers

How can I sterilize bottles during the flight It is difficult to take the sterilizer on board the plane as hand luggage. Usually it is enough to wash out the used bottles with boiling water and clean them again after loading at home. Hot and boiled water is provided by the crew on demand, also … How can I sterilize bottles during the flight | Air travel with babies and toddlers

What do I do if my child suddenly becomes ill? | Air travel with babies and toddlers

What do I do if my child suddenly becomes ill? Babies and toddlers often have to fight infections in the first two years of their lives, when they start visiting the daycare center. These are usually infections of the upper respiratory tract and middle ear infections, which are often accompanied by fever. A trivial slight … What do I do if my child suddenly becomes ill? | Air travel with babies and toddlers

Does my child need a passport/ID card? | Air travel with babies and toddlers

Does my child need a passport/ID card? Nowadays, every child, no matter what age, needs its own passport to fly to another country. In the past, an entry in the passport of the parents was sufficient. Since 2012 children need their own passport. Depending on the country you travel to, a passport or identity card … Does my child need a passport/ID card? | Air travel with babies and toddlers

What do I need to take with me in my luggage/hand baggage? | Air travel with babies and toddlers

What do I need to take with me in my luggage/hand baggage? Before you start your flight, you should think carefully about what is absolutely necessary for the baby during the flight. Most airlines even allow one extra piece of hand luggage for the baby/infant. Most important is a valid travel document, usually a passport … What do I need to take with me in my luggage/hand baggage? | Air travel with babies and toddlers


Synonym Time zone hangover, circadian dysrhythmia Definition The term “jet lag” refers to a disturbance of the sleep-wake rhythm, which occurs mainly after long-haul flights over several time zones. People who fly from one continent to another impose a new time zone on their body. Complaints arising from this are summarized under the term “jet … Jetlag

Causes | Jetlag

Causes The symptoms of jet lag can vary considerably from person to person, both in their nature and in their severity. In addition, the time differences between the point of departure and arrival also play a decisive role. Pronounced fatigue, which only diminishes to a limited extent even after days, is one of the best-known … Causes | Jetlag