Follicles: Structure, Function & Diseases

Follicles are vesicular cavity systems, such as those found in the thyroid gland or ovary. Follicles have different functions depending on their location and organ system. Diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are follicular diseases. What are follicles? Various cavity structures are present in the human body. One of these cavity structures … Follicles: Structure, Function & Diseases

Holocrine Secretion: Function, Role & Diseases

In holocrine secretion, glandular cells themselves become a component of a secretion by perishing during secretion. Such a mechanism is present in the human organism in the secretion of sebum. Both overproduction and underproduction of sebum can be pathological. What is holocrine secretion? Holocrine secretion is found, for example, in human sebaceous glands. The secreting … Holocrine Secretion: Function, Role & Diseases

Furuncle on the lip

Definition A lip furuncle is an accumulation of pus in a hair follicle localized on the lip. It is a bacterial inflammation. A boil on the lip appears as a reddened, pressure-painful, overheated and hard knot on the lip. Often the adjacent tissue is also affected. If several furuncles on the lip merge, a so-called … Furuncle on the lip


Definition The abbreviation FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormone. This hormone belongs to the sex hormones and is responsible for the maturation of the germ cells in women and men. The FSH level in women decreases and increases during the course of the female cycle. Furthermore, it is also important in puberty for the development … FSH