A boil on the lip has these symptoms | Furuncle on the lip

A boil on the lip has these symptoms

Lip furuncle can cause redness, pain, swelling and overheating. If necessary, the pain may radiate. The pain can manifest itself as a slight tension pain up to a very strong pain when pressure or the slightest touch is applied.

If the boil bursts open, pus can be emptied. This can smell unpleasant. In addition, eating and drinking can be very painful and thus restricted.

More severe courses of the disease can cause fatigue, a general feeling of illness, flu-like symptoms, chills and fever. If fever occurs, there is a risk of blood poisoning. If there are signs of blood poisoning, such as fever, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

As a rule, lip furuncles are uncomplicated if the doctor’s instructions are followed. However, if complications occur, they manifest themselves in certain complaints. In these cases, quick action must be taken.

If there is drowsiness, shock and circulatory failure, an emergency doctor must be contacted immediately. A boil above the lip can occur due to an injury caused by shaving a moustache and the subsequent entry of bacteria. If a lip furuncle is located above the lip, there is a risk of septic sinus-cavernous thrombosis.

This means that the bacteria can enter the brain via the venous blood conduits and lead to an occlusion there. This can have serious consequences. Various neurological disorders can occur, which can be irreversible.

In some cases a sinus-cavernosus thrombosis can be fatal. A boil can also develop below the lip. Shaving the beard can cause small injuries below the lip. Afterwards it is possible that bacteria can enter and a lip furuncle can develop underneath the lip.Strong beard growth can delay healing.

Treatment of a furuncle on the lip

The therapy of a lip furuncle depends on the size and individual factors. In any case, no attempt should be made to express the furuncle on its own. If possible it should not be touched at all.

The basis of the therapy of a lip furuncle is adequate hygiene. At best, the lip is exposed as little as possible to chemical, mechanical or physical stimuli or noxious substances. Warm compresses and moist warmth can help to empty the pus and thus relieve a mature furuncle.

If after some time the pus does not come out on its own, a minor surgical intervention may be necessary. Furthermore, antibiotic and antiseptic lip ointments are often required for wound healing. If the bacteria have invaded the blood or lymphatic system, treatment with antibiotics in the form of tablets must be carried out for at least a week.

In case of recurrent lip furuncle, the underlying diseases must be treated. Here, treatment with rifampicin and clindamycin for 2-3 weeks may be additionally indicated. If an immune deficiency is present, among other things, the administration of vitamin C may be advisable. In case of facial furuncles, absolute bed rest and soft food are also indicated.