Fracture of the calcaneum, late sequelae | Heel bone fracture

Fracture of the calcaneum, late sequelae The late consequences of a calcaneal fracture should not be underestimated and unfortunately, in comparison to other fractures, are quite common in such a complicated fracture. If a patient decides to undergo surgical therapy, he or she must expect the usual late consequences of surgery. On the one hand, … Fracture of the calcaneum, late sequelae | Heel bone fracture

Morbus Ledderhose

Plantar fascial fibromatosis Definition Ledderhose disease is a benign disease of the connective tissue of the feet. It occurs in the area of the plantar aponeuroses (= Latin term for the tendon plate of the sole of the foot). More precisely, it is a thickening of the deep connective tissue or fascia of the foot. … Morbus Ledderhose

Healing | Morbus Ledderhose

Healing M. Ledderhose is a benign connective tissue proliferation, which can be treated with various therapeutic approaches. Conservative treatments make it possible to prevent or even completely eliminate the progression of the nodular growths. However, M. Ledderhose has the characteristic of occurring in relapses and of following a progressive (= progressing) course. This means that … Healing | Morbus Ledderhose

Georg leather pants | Morbus Ledderhose

Georg leather pants The German doctor Georg Ledderhose (1855 – 1925) discovered and described the disease. Furthermore, the surgeon working in Strasbourg and Munich had discovered glucosamine. Glucosamine is an important component of the joint fluid and cartilage. All articles in this series: Morbus Ledderhose Symptoms Which doctor should I see? Healing Georg leather pants

Metatarsal fracture of the child | Symptoms of a metatarsal fracture

Metatarsal fracture of the child The symptoms of a metatarsal fracture in a child are usually no different from those of an adult. The main symptoms are pain, which can be caused by pressure, swelling and bruising in a child’s metatarsal fracture. In open fractures, one or more bone fragments pierce the skin. Depending on … Metatarsal fracture of the child | Symptoms of a metatarsal fracture