Symptoms of hallux rigidus

Introduction Hallux rigidus is the name given to arthrosis of the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. Literally translated, hallux rigidus means “stiff big toe”. The main symptom of hallux rigidus is pain. This is usually permanent, but becomes more intense when the joint is stressed, i.e. ultimately during all movements. In addition, the joint … Symptoms of hallux rigidus

Reddening/swelling | Symptoms of hallux rigidus

Reddening/swelling The described signs of wear and tear and the subsequent inflammation in the joint lead to a painful restriction of movement in the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe. In the metatarsophalangeal joint of the big toe, in addition to minimal abduction, stretching (dorsal extension) and flexion (plantar flexion) are possible. In hallux rigidus, … Reddening/swelling | Symptoms of hallux rigidus

The SplayfootSplayfeet

Definition The splayfoot is the most common acquired foot deformity or malposition. It is almost always congenital and affects more women than men. The lowering of the transverse arch of the foot causes foot complaints with widening of the forefoot, which means that the entire forefoot is in contact with the ground. Synonyms Splayfeet Splayfoot … The SplayfootSplayfeet

Diagnosis | The SplayfootSplayfeet

Diagnosis The diagnosis of splayfoot can be made from the symptoms and the physical examination. Due to the described malpositions, a pathological pattern of callosity occurs over the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones.The examination findings include: Examination in standing position: A widening of the forefoot is observed and the transversal arch sinks. Examination in a … Diagnosis | The SplayfootSplayfeet

Treatment of corns

A corn eye (medically: Clavus) is a skin change that occurs due to chronic pressure on an area of skin in direct proximity to the bone. Particularly with shoes that are too small or do not fit ideally, corns often develop on the toes. When treating a corn, therefore, not only the corn itself should … Treatment of corns

Drugs | Treatment of corns

Drugs Drugs used to treat a corn usually aim to soften the skin of the affected area and thus prepare the corn for removal. To soften the skin, acidic active ingredients such as salicylic acid or lactic acid are diluted and applied in drop form. In addition to the medication, a warm footbath can help … Drugs | Treatment of corns

Therapy of a heel spur

Conservative therapy of heel spurs The conservative therapy of the upper and lower heel spur does not differ. The heel spur is a domain of conservative therapy. A heel spur that is free of complaints does not need to be treated. The aim is to eliminate the soft tissue inflammation surrounding the heel spur. The … Therapy of a heel spur

The heel spur

Definition A heel spur denotes a bony projection or extension. A distinction can be made between an upper and a lower heel spur: An upper or dorsal heel spur (more rarely) is a painful bony extension at the heel bone attachment of the Achilles tendon. The lower heel spur (more frequent) is a painful bony … The heel spur

Cause and origin | The heel spur

Cause and origin The cause of heel spur development is based on increased pressure and tensile stress on the tendon attachments on the heel bone body. This stimulus triggers conversion processes in the tendon fibers, which ultimately leads to a spur-like, footward-facing new bone formation. The heel spur can lead to an inflammatory reaction of … Cause and origin | The heel spur

Prognosis | The heel spur

Prognosis The prognosis for a successful heel spur treatment is good. Almost always (>90%) a significant relief of symptoms or freedom from symptoms is achieved. The success of the therapy depends, among other things, on the possibility of physical rest during the treatment period. Since this is only rarely possible, it is not uncommon for … Prognosis | The heel spur