
dexamethasone Definition Fortecortin® is a synthetically produced hormone of the adrenal cortex called glucocorticoid. It has an anti-inflammatory and weakening effect on the immune system. Fields of application A distinction is made between local and systemic (affecting the whole body) use. In the local application, Fortecortin® is used for local inflammations that do not respond … Fortecortin®

Contraindications | Fortecortin®

Contraindications As with all medicines, there are situations in which Fortecortin® should not be given. However, if an emergency occurs in which the administration of Fortecortin® can save lives, there is no contraindication. Fortecortin® must not be prescribed in cases of hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. Further contraindications are: In general, Fortecortin® must … Contraindications | Fortecortin®