Frown Line: Causes, Treatment & Help

Computer work, poor eyesight and also genetic predisposition cause frown lines to appear above the root of the nose, which bother many people because they make the face look older and more severe. However, dermatologists and plastic aesthetic surgeons have effective treatments that can smooth out unsightly wrinkles – from Botox injections to thread lifts. … Frown Line: Causes, Treatment & Help

Frown line

Everybody knows them, nobody likes them. We are talking about the frown line – that little wrinkle that appears in pairs between the eyebrows when we are angry (hence the name), or wrinkle the forehead. Anatomically, it is usually caused by a muscle with the complicated name “Musculus corrugator supercilii”. This muscle pulls diagonally down … Frown line

Risks | Frown line

Risks However, Botox also has a number of disadvantages. On the one hand, the application has to be repeated every few months, as the effect of the neurotoxin diminishes. This is always associated with costs, and the dose may have to be increased further. Furthermore, botulinum toxin is currently the most deadly poison known to … Risks | Frown line