
Introduction Fumaderm® is a drug which is used in the form of tablets for the skin disease psoriasis vulgaris. It is the most commonly used drug for psoriasis, and is used in patients with severe and moderate psoriasis. There are a total of four different fumaric acid esters contained in the drug Fumaderm®. These active … Fumaderm®

Dosage | Fumaderm®

Dosage The exact dosage of Fumaderm® should be discussed with a dermatologist, as he or she can best assess how severely the patient is affected by psoriasis and what dosage is therefore appropriate. It may be necessary to increase the dosage of Fumaderm® for a short period of time during an acute episode, after consultation … Dosage | Fumaderm®

Revenue | Fumaderm®

Revenue Fumaderm® tablets are taken with plenty of liquid (preferably water) and preferably directly after meals. The tablets have a coating that prevents the gastric acid from breaking down the tablets in the stomach. In this way, Fumaderm® tablets can pass through the stomach unhindered and are then opened up in the intestine and the … Revenue | Fumaderm®

Psoriasis treatment

What are the treatment options? Psoriasis is a complex skin disease that occurs in relapses and can be very stressful for those affected. There are various options available for the treatment of psoriasis, which are individually adapted to the patient. A basic distinction is made between local and systemic therapy of psoriasis. In the following, … Psoriasis treatment

Creams for the treatment of psoriasis | Psoriasis treatment

Creams for the treatment of psoriasis The treatment of psoriasis includes the use of various skin creams. Every patient with psoriasis should be given a basic care with creams containing salicylic acid and urea. These creams help to loosen the skin scales. In addition, dry skin should be treated with moisturizing creams. Examples of such … Creams for the treatment of psoriasis | Psoriasis treatment