Barbiturates: Effects, Uses & Risks

Barbiturates were once considered miracle drugs and were used extensively. Today, their use is severely restricted and they are considered dangerous. There are a number of good reasons for this. The following overview of the effects of barbiturates on the body, their uses, and risks and side effects shows why. What are barbiturates? Barbiturate is … Barbiturates: Effects, Uses & Risks

Etomidate: Effects, Uses & Risks

Etomidate is a highly potent and primarily hypnotic drug. The substance acts on the so-called GABA receptors and the formatio reticularis (diffuse neuron network) in the human brain. This induces sleep without having an analgesic (i.e. painkilling) effect. Etomidate is one of the anesthetics and is administered to cause a comatose state to perform surgery … Etomidate: Effects, Uses & Risks